Nice to Meet You

The Most Recent Family Photo Easter 2012
A photo of me when I was younger ;-)
"Every photo of you is from when you were younger!"
-Mitch Headberg

Hello there!  I don't know what brought  you here to my blog, but I'm sure glad that you came!  

My name is Kim, I am a 24 year old stay-at-home mom to a 16 month old, and a wife of 4 years! and my life can be summed up in one word.

Either I am hungry, my husband is hungry, or my daughter is hungry.

I've been cooking {well} for about 3 years now.  It all started when my husband was.. ahem.. less than polite while I served him some dinners I had became accustomed to in my college days—mac and cheese, beans and rice, pasta with broccoli—all classics! Right? Right. 

Apparently my husband wasn’t satisfied with these so called ‘meals’ of mine; and he wasn’t shy about letting me hear about it!  One of the things I have grown to

The Little Miss 
love about him- his honesty {with my cooking}. 

He would make sour-puss faces, tell me it was awful, and say things like “Where’s the meat?” or “This is dinner?”  haha obviously I had to learn how to cook like a real wife before my husband changed his mind about marring me, so reluctantly I did. 

After many trials and errors, I finally found myself enjoying this new venture of mine- cooking.  It not so hard after all.  Sometimes I wish I didn't know how to cook, than I wouldn't eat so much!  

A year ago my entrée dishes needed to be changed, yet again.  My husband found out he was allergic to milk- severely allergic.  While this was {almost} devastating news to him, but he felt 100x better forgoing the cow’s beverage.

I use to be the crazy cat lady... then I had a daughter ;-)
That tid-bit of information led me to do a lot of my own research, come to find out- cows milk isn’t made for humans! {shocker}.  So I omitted it from my diet as well. 

Upon further research, I discovered that dairy products in general aren’t good for our human bodies, along with animal products.  So naturally- the only thing to do was become {mostly} vegan- but I don’t like labels, so I prefer to say that I have a plant based diet.  If you haven’t yet seen Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead- a wonderful documentary - I urge you to do so! :) It literally changed my life.  

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you're able to find some recipes that your taste buds enjoy! :)  

ps. It wasn't an accident that I named by blog Crunchy Kim- it serves as two purposes.

My Husband before he grew his hair out! 
1. It's a word often used to describe food. {aren't you glad you learned something today?}
2. It is a new-age word to describe a certain type of parenting, this certain parenting style is one that I strive towards. :)  I'll elaborate more on that later i'm sure...

All of these photos and recipes are my own.
Share them if you wish. 
Impress your friends and pass them along as your own.  
No animals were harmed in the making.

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